Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The is a New Hominid

Discovery News
By Jennifer Viegas
Wed Mar 14, 2012

There is a new hominid that was found in Southwester China. It was one the last ones before us.  They are thought to be dark skinned because  it was really bright there. The species is called Red Deer Cave people. Partially because they were discovered in a cave. Their species interbred. Also they were quite progressed as their species died out they were just starting to make pottery which is a very big step in development.

When I saw that there was a new hominid I was very surprised. Our class had just learned about all of them. This one sounds interesting. I want to learn more about it. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Brand New Bat
Christine Dell'Amore
Published February 24, 2012