Tuesday, May 8, 2012


In my since class my partner and I did tests to see how waves are affected by walls, other waves, and obstacles.  I learned that when a wave hits and edge it won't just stop, the wave bounces back but it is weaker. Also when there are two waves the two parts that are headed directly at each other will both overpower each other, but the other parts form a constructive wave so they get stronger.  Constructive waves are two or more waves with the same frequency that merge together and get stronger. Destructive waves area made when two or more waves merge and get weaker because they are different frequencies. I have previously learned about the properties of waves. For example, wave frequency is the amount of waves go by in one unit of time. Waves can also go under things like a Styrofoam ball underwater. Also paper towles absorb the waves or in other words stop the waves. Waves seem so simple but they are really complicated and full of questions. From the project in class I learned that most of my prediction was correct but some parts were a bit off. The relationships that I noticed in my sketches was that no matter what the waves bounce of edges.

1 comment:

  1. What did you learn from the simulation that you used in class? Was it similar to what you did in the wave pool?
