Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Voyage Of Plastic



BY: American Association for the Advancement of Science

I think that the plastic floating in the water is an interesting topic because it does not really have any answer. It is about the plastic in the water. Marine life might be getting stuck in it. Scientists have fished and counted how much plastic they got. The weird thing is that the amount of plastic has stayed just about the same even though now we throw away more trash. The scientists think that it might be breaking apart so we cannot see it, or they could have been eaten by marine life, or it could have just sunk. Although nobody really knows why, the amount of plastic has stayed the same and does not go up.

I think that it is very interesting that the amount of plastic has just about stayed the same. One of the questions I had was, will the amount of plastic always stay about the same? Another one of my questions is, are there any more reasons why the amount of plastic has stayed the same?

1 comment:

  1. Woow Abby,
    this was a very interesting thing that you wrote and it is an attention grabber and i like the fact that you didnt write a lot and that you included questions thats what i should have done.
