Monday, January 10, 2011

Lab Reports

In my science class we did two labs and they are called "Cooling Race Lab" and "A Change for the Wetter Lab". I think how I did on the both of them is quite good. However I like how I did on the Cooling Race Lab more than I did on the Change for the Wetter Lab. I still know that I can improve greatly. On the Cooling Race Lab I can try to do the tests more carefully and get correct data because I did not get the best data. Another thing I could have done better was to use better wording and words. I think that on my Change for the Wetter Lab I should have also had better words and wording. Another thing I could have done to improve my lab was to make better conclusions by reading the data two or three times then think about it after that I should write it then reread what I wrote. I did enjoy making part of my Cooling Race Lab because you can think of many different things you can do in it other than following the instructions given. One of the things I liked about how I did the Cooling Race Lab was that I did realize that I might not have gotten all the data correct and that I mentioned that I made the mistake on my lab. One thing I liked about what I did on the Change for the Wetter Lab was that I did not give to much or little information in my answers.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent reflection Abby on both labs. I look forward to reading your next lab reports and how you improve the wording in them. :)
