Sunday, October 30, 2011


Before you say "Ew Dirt it's so messy and has so many bugs in it", dirt is one of the most important things in the world. It is part biotic and A biotic. That is because it has a few A biotic things and a few biotic things in it, but it is classified as A biotic.(non living) Dirt is more complex then you might think. It reuses its same molecules, and it contains so many microbes. Dirt needs many things to be healthy. It is bad for only one type of plant to be planted in the dirt so farmers should mix it up a bit.  Only planting one plant could turn the patch of dirt into a small “desert”.  Also if there are no plants in dirt it will turn into a desert. Dirt gives us shelter and food. It is also the line between organization and chaos. It helps biotic things live.  Another thing that dirt gives us is clay and that can be a very useful thing. For all of the things that dirt gives us, we destroy it. When we mine we kill it. Also we treat it like nothing, but dirt is actually more important than the minerals we mine for.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It is getting To warm.

Warming could exceed safe levels in this lifetime
Oct. 23, 2011
By Nina Chesteny

In some countries the weather average is getting to high. The scientists agreed if the average heat goes up 2 degrees Celsius, than it is not safe. You have to look out for natural disasters. Now it is getting quite close.  This can be very dangerous. This is going to happen in the future.  This happening might not be as far away as you think it is.  They made the two degree rule 2 years ago. The places need to make a commitment to stop using as many machines like cars.

I think that this is very bad.  I also think that this is because of global warming. I believe that all of us need to cut back on how we use technology, it is destroying our Earth. Though Earth does heal itself, we do not give it time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mind control

Monkey mind control-- a breakthrough for paralysis
By Tatiana Ramil
Reuters New Service
Oct. 6th, 2011

Mind control has been a dream that we have had for over one hundred years. Now it is a reality, almost. Some of the scientists think that they are so close to help the disabled walk or move a limb that they had lost. Monkeys were their test subjects. It started out, the monkeys have a joystick infron of them and they have to move it to find objects. That made them know when they turned it to the left the limb went left. After that they still had the joystick but it was not on. They did that to think that the monkey was doing it with the joystink and not their minds. Scientists are hoping to make an exoskeleton for the disabled so they can move and hopefully feel what they do.

I think this is spectacular. I am glad that the disabled will have a way to move. Also I was always curios how they taught the limb to move so I thought this was very interesting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Hole in the Ozone layer above Arctic

Record Arctic ozone hole raises fears of worse to come
By Daniel Magnowski
Reuters New Service
October 3, 2011

Uh oh there is a gaping hole in the ozone layer! It is right above the Arctic. It is the biggest hole in the northern hemisphere. The ozone layer protects us from UV rays which can give us skin cancer and, or cataracts. Scientists are worried that this is might be annual, because they have noticed it every summer since 1980. What is destroying it is chlorofluorocarbons. That chemical is man made. Also. the hole gained size in March.

I hope this is not annual, if it is this could be very bad for everyone. I also think that the UV rays are very serious. My suggestions are; reduce, reuse, recycle, and walk or ride a bike do not drive unless you absolutely have to.