Record Arctic ozone hole raises fears of worse to come
By Daniel Magnowski
Reuters New Service
October 3, 2011
Uh oh there is a gaping hole in the ozone layer! It is right above the Arctic. It is the biggest hole in the northern hemisphere. The ozone layer protects us from UV rays which can give us skin cancer and, or cataracts. Scientists are worried that this is might be annual, because they have noticed it every summer since 1980. What is destroying it is chlorofluorocarbons. That chemical is man made. Also. the hole gained size in March.
I hope this is not annual, if it is this could be very bad for everyone. I also think that the UV rays are very serious. My suggestions are; reduce, reuse, recycle, and walk or ride a bike do not drive unless you absolutely have to.
By Daniel Magnowski
Reuters New Service
October 3, 2011

I hope this is not annual, if it is this could be very bad for everyone. I also think that the UV rays are very serious. My suggestions are; reduce, reuse, recycle, and walk or ride a bike do not drive unless you absolutely have to.
The title was catchy, but you didn't really mention why they think this. What is yet to come? The scientists believe that it is annual as in growing annually or that it occurs annually? Please clarify.